Visitors with disabilities
We are committed to ensuring that visitors with disabilities can fully enjoy their visit to the Hallenstadion. We have set out the key information for a barrier-free experience here.

Both main entrances have separate access for wheelchair users and visitors with impaired mobility. These lead you into the foyer on Level 0, which is completely wheelchair accessible.
Wheelchair spaces
Wheelchair spaces are located on the southeast and southwest sides of the Arena, with a first-class view of the stage. They are accessible via the main entrances at ground level and also come with an additional space for an accompanying person. Disabled toilets are located nearby.
Tickets for wheelchair spaces can only be booked directly through the organiser for the event. The Ticketing team will be happy to inform you of whom you should contact to order your tickets.
For more information, please contact Ticketcorner on +41 44 316 77 88.
On-site assistance
For on-site assistance, please contact the Hallenstadion staff. They will be happy to provide you with information, advice and support.
Getting here & parking
The Hallenstadion does not have parking spaces for disabled visitors or wheelchair users within its grounds. The nearest disabled parking spaces are at Messe Zürich or in the Messe-Hallenstadion car park. However, we would be happy to allow disabled visitors to alight at our valet parking bay on Wallisellenstrasse and make their way from there to their seats.
Most wheelchair users and visitors with impaired mobility go to the west entrance (tram loop) in a Tixi Taxi, from where they have wheelchair access to their seats. After the performance, the Tixi Taxi picks them up again from the same place.